Club Details This function allows the user to view/change/ delete or create customer details. These details are normally created in the Point Of Sale program.
To view/change an existing customers details Select search and then enter the client name and press ok. The details will now be displayed. Make the required changes and select ok. To view the purchase history Select search and then enter the client name and press ok. Select purchase history and enter a date range if required To delete a client Select search and then enter the client name and press ok. Select the delete button. The system will ask “OK TO DELETE CUSTOMER”? Select YES to remove. To create a new client Select the NEW button, enter the details and select OK. Link to another client number When a client is created more than once at the point of sale and there spend is spread over several entries, it is possible to link them together.. • First, find the client numbers for the client that has been duplicated*. • Enter the client details and select 'link to another'. • Enter the client number to be linked and press ok • A box will appear listing the linked entry. * To determine duplicate club members run the Duplicate Club Members Report on Customer Club Menu
Club Best Buyers Report
This report will show the customers who spent the most in the period selected To create this report Select the location and date range. Select either print/view on screen or export to excel format and press OK. This report will show • Ranking number • Client number • Title • First name / Surname • State / Postcode/ Phone • Total purchased quantity • Gross sales $$$$
Club Listing This will show all the customer entries in the club. Select a store location and either show on-screen or print and press OK
Club Mail-out This function allows the user to filter the customer club to specifically target individuals to create a direct mail campaign. The filters available are • Maker / Label / Department / Style / Colour / Size ( one or more can be used) Also, a purchase value over a certain amount can be specified. The mail-out list could also be configured so that clients with a certain postcode would only appear on the list To generate a mailing list Select location date range and filters and ok when done (To view specific individual’s criteria for appearing on the list, double click on the grid.)
This report can be saved as a text file or excel file ready for the mail merge program. Select the output required (text/excel) and location.
Club Loyalty Report
This report will export the loyalty club sales into an excel spreadsheet.
Suburb Entry This function allows new suburbs to be entered into the suburb database so the customer club at the point of sale will recognise the new suburb. To enter a suburb • Place the mouse over the required field and right-click • Select insert and left-click. • Fill in the suburb/state and postcode. • Select OK when complete.
To delete a suburb • Place the mouse over the required field and right-click • Select delete and left-click. • Select OK when complete.
Find Duplicate Club Members This report will list all duplicate club members. This function allows the user to find customer club entries that have been entered more than once. This report will take a few minutes to compile. Use the link to another client button on the bottom of the screen Link to another client number When a client is created more than once at the point of sale and there spend is spread over several entries, it is possible to link them together. • First, find the client numbers for the client that has been duplicated*. • Enter the client details and select 'link to another'. • Enter the client number to be linked and press ok • A box will appear listing the linked entry.
Export Customer Club to Excel
Enter the creation date range for the customer club records you are after.
If you would like to add the birthday details to the export, please tick the box beneath the birthday date range and then enter the birthday date range you are after.
Online Members Import
This function will import online members registered since the last import has been done, clear the imported members on the server and also create a list for new members.
Please download the file from the website first.
Redeemed Points Report
This report will display what loyalty points have been redeemed in the selected date range.
It can be exported to excel, printed or displayed on the screen.
Customer Club Specials
Customer Orders
Look up customer orders.
Customer Order Report
This report will display customer orders within a date range.
It can be ordered by style, supplier, order date or date required.
The results can also be filtered by department, category, maker, label or purchase order.