6.1 Stock Year to Date (YTD) Best Sellars.
The stock year to date best sellers report gives you information about the products that are your best sellers over the current year. This report varies in the information given depending on the ranking / filters that was chosen.
The rankings are • Units sold • Sales value • Style code • Style description The optional filters are • Department • Category • Label. The information that this report contains • Rank • Style • Style Description • Cost • Sell • Received • Sales • Value • % of sales • Profit • % of profit • Total SOH. This report can be displayed on screen or printed, one day or over a period of time and for one or all locations. Select the location, time period and output (screen / printer).
6.2 Month to Date (M.T.D) Stock Movement Report.
This report will show the movements of stock over a monthly period as at the date selected. The program will ask for a range of stock codes or all. The report this information contains is • Stock code and Stock description. • Stock on- order. • Opening stock. • Stock receipts. • Stock adjustments. • Sales / Returns / On – Hand. This report will show a total for all the colours that the style This report can be displayed on screen or printed for all locations.
6.3 Year to Date (Y.T.D) Stock Movement Report.
This report will show the movements of stock over a yearly period as at the date selected. The program will ask for a range of stock codes or all. The report this information contains is • Stock code and Stock description. • Stock on- order. • Opening stock. • Stock receipts. • Stock adjustments. • Sales. / Returns / On – Hand. This report will show a total for all the colours that the style This report can be displayed on screen or printed for all locations.
6.4 Stock Valuation by Season.
This report will show the value of stock classified by season. When the stock is created in stock details a season is allocated to that style. The information this report contains is • Season • Quantity of stock held • True cost • Last Cost • Wholesale Cost • Retail Cost • Total store valuation. This report can be displayed on screen or printed. Select the location and output (screen / printer).
6.5 Stock Valuation by Store.
This report will show the value of stock on hand (as at the time of printing) in the selected location. The information this report contains is • Store Identification • Store Location • Quantity ( Number of stock items ) • True Cost • Last Cost • Wholesale Cost • Retail Cost This report can be displayed on screen or printed. Select the location and output (screen / printer).
6.6 Stock Valuation by Supplier.
This report will show a valuation for stock on hand in a selected location ranked by supplier and the season. When the stock is created in stock details a supplier and season is allocated to the style. The report this information contains is • Location selected • Supplier • Quantity of items from that supplier by season and a total of all seasons. • True cost • Last Cost • Wholesale • Retail Cost
This report can be displayed on screen or printed, and for one or all locations. Select the location, season and output (screen / printer).
6.7 Stock Valuation by Department.
This report will show a valuation for stock on hand in a selected location ranked by department and the season. When the stock is created in stock details a department and season is allocated to the style. The report this information contains is • Location selected • Department • Quantity of items from that department by season and a total of all seasons. • True value • Wholesale value • Retail value
This report can be displayed on screen or printed, and for one or all locations. Select the location, season and output (screen / printer).
6.8 Negative Stock Report.
This report will show stock items that are showing a negative figure. A negative figure occurs when a sale is made of an item that has no stock on hand. There should be NO negative stock figures. The following are some reasons for negative stock figures • Incorrect opening stock figures. • Stock not receipted at back office properly. • Incorrect barcodes. • Transfer problems. • Selling the wrong item through search function. To Investigate- look at the movements of this stock item through Stock Transaction Enquiry this will show stock receipts, transfers, and sales To adjust – Use the stock adjustment to achieve the correct stock figure.
6.8 Negative Stock Report. (Continued)
The information contained in this report is • Location • Style code • Description • Colour • Size • Maker • Label • Negative Quantity
This report can be displayed on screen or printed, and for one or all locations. Select the location, season and output (screen / printer).
6.9 Stock Status by Maker. (Supplier)
This report will show the stock status of all styles ranked by its maker. The report will generate all makers in alphabetical order. The information contained in this report is as follows • Maker Code / Supplier name • Opening stock – Quantity and Value and expressed as a % of total stock • Purchases – Quantity and Value • Sales Quantity and Value and expressed as a % of total sales value Profit and expressed as a % of total sales value. • Current Stock Quantity and Value and expressed as a % of total stock
This report can be displayed on screen or printed, one day or over a period of time and for one or all locations. Select the location, time period and output (screen / printer)
6.10 Stock Status by Department.
This report will show the stock status of all styles ranked by department. The report will generate all departments in alphabetical order (by department code). The information contained in this report is as follows • Department Code / Department • Opening stock – Quantity and Value and expressed as a % of total stock • Purchases – Quantity and Value • Sales Quantity and Value and expressed as a % of total sales value Profit and expressed as a % of total sales value. • Current Stock Quantity and Value and expressed as a % of total stock
This report can be displayed on screen or printed, one day or over a period of time and for one or all locations. Select the location, time period and output (screen / printer)
6.11 Stock Status by Label
This report will show the stock status of all styles ranked by label. The report will generate all labels in alphabetical order. The information contained in this report is as follows • Label Code / Label name • Opening stock – Quantity and Value and expressed as a % of total stock • Purchases – Quantity and Value • Sales Quantity and Value and expressed as a % of total sales value Profit and expressed as a % of total sales value. • Current Stock Quantity and Value and expressed as a % of total stock
This report can be displayed on screen or printed, one day or over a period of time and for one or all locations. Select the location, time period and output (screen / printer)
6.12 Stock On Hand by Store
This report will show stock on hand by store (as at the time of printing). The report will rank the stock by maker and the associated label. The report will show • Style code / Description • Colour / size • Last Cost • Retail cost • Warehouse on hand • Stock on hand • Extended cost (Stock on hand x last cost).
Optional Filter.- This filter allows the user to only show sales greater than a nominated amount for a specific time period. Enter the nominated amount and time period. This report can be displayed on screen or printed, and for one or all locations. Select the location, and output (screen / printer)
6.13 Discount Stock Report
This report will show discounts given at the store level. • Style code / Description / Colour / Size / • Quantity • Retail Price • Selling Price • Discount expressed in dollar terms • Discount expressed in percentage ( %) terms
This report can be displayed on screen or printed, and for one or all locations. Select the location, season and output (screen / printer).
6.14 Stock Receipt Print
This report will show stock receipts that have been generated within the selected time period. This report is used to audit previously entered stock receipts. The report will show • Receipt number / Date • Style / Colour / Quantity / Cost Price / Extended Value
This report can be displayed on screen or printed, one day or over a period of time. Select the time period and output (screen / printer
6.15 Dead Stock Report
This report will show you items that have not sold for a particular period (i.e. dead stock).This report allows the retailer to focus on slow selling items to employ strategies to move this stock to allow for more profitable lines. To generate this report enter the minimum sales quantity needed. The report will show • Style code / Description / Colour / Size • First delivered date • Department / Maker / Label • Quantity sold.
Optional Filters.- • Department • Category • Maker • Label • Season
This report can be displayed on screen or printed, one day or over a period of time. Select the time period and output (screen / printer).
6.16 Stock Summary by Department
This report will show a summary of stock for all styles ranked by department The report will generate all departments in alphabetical order (by department code). The information contained in this report is as follows • Department Code / Department • Opening stock – Quantity and Value and expressed as a % of total stock. • Transfers In – Quantity and Value • Transfers Out.-Quantity and Value • Adjustments -Quantity and Value • Stocktake Adjustments - Quantity and Value • COGS Sales - Quantity and Value • Current Stock - Quantity and Value and expressed as a % of total stock.
This report can be displayed on screen or printed, one day or over a period of time and for one or all locations. Select the location, time period and output (screen / printer).
6.17 Stock on Hand (SOH) and Sales Report.
This report will show the current stock on hand figures and sales on the same report. The stock on hand figure is from the date printed and the sales can be for a specified time range. To make this report shorter in length by not displaying all styles, you have an option “Hide all stock on hand and units sold “, click on the box to place a tick. To run this report, select the location / season and sales timeframe. Optional Filters • Department • Category The information is displayed in style code order. The information contained in this report is • Style / Description / colour • Department • Cost and Retail price • Total retail value • Size run and current stock on hand • Year to date units sold
This report can be displayed on screen or printed, one day or over a period of time and for one or all locations. Select the location, time period and output (screen / printer
6.18 Stock on Hand Report.
This report will show the current stock on hand. The stock on hand figure is from the date printed. Options “Hide all zero stock on hand “, click on the box to place a tick. “Hide all costs” click on the box to place a tick
To run this report, select the location and season. Optional Filters • Department • Category • Maker
The information contained in this report is
• Style / Description / colour • Department / maker / label / season ( options) • Cost ( optional) and Retail price • Total retail value • Size run and current stock on hand • Total / Value / Retail.
This report can be displayed on screen or printed, for one or all locations