Knowledgebase: Wholesale
Stocktake in Back Office
Posted by Megan Solemate, Last modified by Tim Solemate on 21 January 2020 10:37 AM


Solemate allows the user to do a stocktake by department or maker this can be a partial or full stocktake. A partial stocktake is by one or several departments / makers a full stocktake is all departments/ makers.
The stocktake menu gives you the ability to transfer stock takes from point of sale to BackOffice, perform audit on a stock take, and create reports that show the variances between the book stock and the actual stock take.
This makes sure you know where your stock is at all times

The steps below should be followed in order.

8.1 Stocktake Audit Report.
This report will show all the items that were counted in the store stocktake.
When the stocktaking at Point Of Sale program, an item count should be recorded, this count should correspond to this report.

Before Stocktaking
Before starting the stocktake audit report should be cleared.
A zero figure count should appear next to the location before stocktaking.
To clear
Select desired location, right click and select delete.
This will show the scan count as zero, if there was previous stocktake information.
After Stocktaking
When the stocktake is complete the staff should know how many stock items were counted. This information is located in store history in the Point of Sale program.
When the information has replicated from the store to the BackOffice program the count will match and all stock items that were counted.
This information can be viewed on screen, saved to hard drive or printed.
To view / print /save
Highlight the desired location and select print or left click twice.
This will show a print preview on the screen.
To view on screen, select the maximize box on top right of the screen
To print select the print icon and to save to hard drive select the save option.

8.2 Stocktake Freeze.
This function should be used as soon as the stocktake is complete before any new stock movements are made. The stocktake must be frozen before trading commences in the location that where the stocktake was done.
This function allows the user to “freeze “the stocktake so changes can be made before it is updated. Freezing a stocktake tells the system when the stocktake was done and from which point in time the stock can be updated from.
The stocktake can be frozen for any length of time necessary until updated.
To clear freeze
Always clear the freeze before commencing.
Highlight the location and click on CLEAR FREEZE
A confirmation message ‘OK TO UNFREEZE STOCKTAKE?’ will appear – select YES.
A message ‘STOCKTAKE UNFROZEN” will appear – select OK

8.2 Stocktake Freeze.(cont)

To freeze stocktake
Highlight the desired location by left clicking and select OK.

Full stocktake by department–
Left click on select all.
A YES will appear next to all the departments.
Select Freeze
Partial stocktake by department–
Double left click on the relevant departments.
A YES will appear next to the selected department.
Select Freeze.
Full stocktake by Maker–
Left click on select all.
A YES will appear next to all the makers.
Select Freeze
Partial stocktake by Maker–
Double left click on the relevant makers
A YES will appear next to the selected makers.
Select Freeze.

A confirmation message will appear OK TO FREEZE?
Select YES
As the relevant department / maker are frozen the YES will disappear.
When finished a message “STOCKTAKE FREEZE BY DEPT/MAKER COMPLETE” will appear – Select OK.
The stocktake is now frozen
Select the BACK button to go back to the main menu

N.b The time it takes to complete this task depends on the size of the data.
Don’t do any more tasks or click the mouse again until you receive the stocktake complete message.

This report will generate a list of items that cannot be frozen. Print this report.
This may be because they don’t belong to the department / maker stock / or the colour / size has been changed. Either ignore the items (wrong department / maker) or change the stock details to reflect the right details and freeze again.

8.3 Stocktake Manual Count Entry.
This function allows the user to enter any items that were not able to be entered at the time of stocktaking. For example Good s with damaged barcode, or missing barcodes.
Select the location and select OK.
The style / colour / size / book count / store count / and variance will appear.
The book count column will appear in yellow and the variance in red.
All styles from the department / maker selected to be frozen will appear in white.
Use the scroll bar to select the style that needs to be added.
N.B Only the store count (white box) can be modified.
When finished entering all missing styles select OK.
These items are now added to the stocktake.

• Another method is to use stock adjustments in Daily activity menu after the stocktake has been updated.

8.4 Stocktake Variance Report.

This report shows any variation between the stock counted in the location (store count) and the stock figures in the system (book stock).
This report shows any gain or loss that has been made.
This report gives the store location and
• Style Code
• Stock Description
• Maker
• Colour Code,
• Size Code,
• Cost of the goods
• Book Stock,
• Store Count
• Variance quantity
• Variance value
• Manual Count, Variance, and Loss/Gain.
The totals for book count and store count and variance quantity and variance value are shown as totals at the end of the page.

8.5 Stocktake Update.
This function allows the user to update al the store count as the new opening stock figure.
Once all adjustments have been made the stocktake is ready to update.
To update
Select the location to be updated, by left clicking the mouse, a small black arrow will appear and select OK.
A message will appear OK TO UPDATE STOCKTAKE
Select YES

NB The time it takes to update will vary depending on the amount of unit’s stocktaked. Don’t do any more tasks or click the mouse again until you receive the message STOCKTAKE UPDATE COMPLETE.

The stocktake is updated when the message STOCKTAKE COMPLETE appears.
Select OK.
To check look at a stock transaction enquiry for a particular stock item, this will show the date of the stocktake update stocktake in / rev.
Stock Valuation
After the stocktake has been updated, the stock valuation by location will can be saved / printed.
This will show the cost and retail value of the stock.
To view / print this report select

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